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Walter Logeman

Curriculum Vitae

Walter Logeman



Psychotherapy Practice, Christchurch
Psychotherapy Online
Training, Qualifications and Professional Associations
Past Experience


I was born in Amsterdam in 1944. My parents emigrated to Australia in 1952. I grew up learning both Dutch and English and have a sense of being bi-cultural. I left home aged 18 and worked and traveled in Tasmania and New Zealand. By this time I had developed a love for the outdoors and was attracted to the mountains and lifestyle in NZ. The other interest, even then, was in matters psychological in the broadest sense, this led to attending university in Christchurch. I married in 1970, and was married for 10 years, my son Josh was born in 1972 and is a designer in San Francisco. I am now married to Kate Tapley, we have been together since 1988. She has a daughter Rebecca, born in 1981. We are thoroughly settled in Canterbury, New Zealand. We have a house in Christchurch and we also spend a lot of time at Mt. Lyford where Kate has a horse trekking business.

Psychotherapy Practice, Christchurch, New Zealand

I began part time private practice in 1986. In 1988 the practice became full time. It is now operating from the Harley Chambers in Christchurch. I work independently and my rooms look out over the scenic Avon River.

My work is mainly with individuals who do in-depth work. I see people from all walks of life, each with their unique needs and ways of working. I think of the work as being led by the psyche, though I do not talk about such esoteric notions unless I think it benefits the person I am with. The work is usually related to immediate things that present themselves. In the process of seeking solutions and meaning however, the original family dynamics, dreams and patterns of the psyche are explored in depth.

Relationship Counselling
I work extensively with couples who wish to improve their relationship. Typically couples come for ten sessions and learn to dialogue and build new synergy in their relationship. I have a belief that there is an underlying lesson to be learnt in the difficulties. The relationship or marriage can enhance the personal and spiritual path of each person, without sacrifice or compromise.

2005 -2006 I trained in Imago Therapy and am now a qualified & registered Imago practitioner.

Supervision, Professional Development and Mentoring
I supervise psychotherapists and other health professionals, especially social workers. Supervision can cover any facet of life however the main underlying purpose is the wellbeing of the people that the supervisee works with. As a supervisor I accept some responsibility for the effectiveness and ethics of the supervisees' work. Often supervision arrangements include a third party such as a welfare agency who pays for the work.

Business people, students, trainees work with me to develop specific areas of their professional life.

Psychotherapy Online

In 1993 I founded Psybernet, an organisation to work with the psychology of interaction online. This is now primarily psychotherapeutic work with people using email. My mode of work is described at


Training, Qualifications and Professional Associations


Completed two years of teacher training for primary school in Hobart, Tasmania.

Completed B.A. University of Canterbury, Majors in English and Philosophy.

Social Work

Completed two year postgraduate training in social work at the University of Canterbury. Diploma of Social Work and Certificate of Qualification in Social Work.

Membership of New Zealand Association of Social Workers. Resigned in 2000 as my focus became more psychological

Weekly training for eight weeks in Supervision and Field Work Teaching with the Social Work Department of Canterbury.


Supervision training workshop conducted by New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists.

Membership of New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists.

2004 - 2008
Member of the National Council of New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists.
Member of the NZAP Canterbury Regional Supervisors Group.

2006 – to present day
Member of the NZAP National Supervision Committee.

Couple Therapy

Marriage Guidance training for Supervisors. (Two weekends.)

2005 -2006
I trained in Imago Therapy and am now a qualified & registered Imago practitioner.


Training courses in Psychodrama. Weekly groups, weekend and week long workshops, and a three month full time practicum at the Wasley centre in Perth, Western Australia.

Practical assessment as a Psychodrama Director. President of the Christchurch branch of PINZ (Psychodrama Institute of New Zealand)

Psychodrama Training for Trainers courses. One week-long residential course each year. Member of the Management Committee of Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama.

Completed thesis in psychodrama and became a Psychodrama Director and full member of ANZPA.

Have a Training Contract approved by Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association to work towards a qualification as a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) in Psychodrama.  Staff member of the Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama

Past Experience


I did some primary school teaching in the sixties. In 1974 I founded ''Four Avenues" a state funded secondary school based on the principles of Ivan Illich. Taught in the school for four years.

Community Living

In 1969 I founded an intentional urban community now known as Heartwood Community. I lived there communally from 1970 to 1973. I am still involved from time to time as a past member.

Social Work

I worked in Princess Margaret Hospital in Medical and Psychiatric wards.

Moved for a short while to Perth, Western Australia where I was a Social Worker for the Alcohol and Drug Authority -- with heroine addicts.

Training Social Workers

I conducted in-service courses for social workers most years from 1983 to 1988. I was a field work teacher and supervised social work students 1982 to 1986. I continue to supervise social workers as part of my private practice as a psychotherapist.

Training Therapists and Groupworkers

I conducted training in psychodrama during 1986 for the then fledgling Training Institute in Christchurch. I conducted two terms of weekly courses in Counselling training at Avalon College in Perth during 1987. Conducted Counselling training for one year in Christchurch in 1993. During 1989 to 1993, each term I conducted a training day for health professionals called "Use of Self in Professional Practice". Between 1993 and 2000 I conducted some lectures and supervision classes for the Albany Trust, a New Zealand association specialising in teaching Jungian psychotherapy.

Supervision of Psychotherapists

I have had 2 to 10 supervisees as part of my weekly case-load as a private practitioner since 1989.

Online Interaction

Psybernet Bulletin Board
In 1993 I set up a Fidonet system and was the Sysop of the board for about three years until it was superseded by the Internet.

List owner of the Psybernet Mailing List: Psyber-L
From 1993 have conducted online discussion group related to psychological matters.

Facilitator of Dream Event
1996, together with Charles Cameron I facilitated an on line dream group. Sixteen people, in a closed private group, for three months, shared dreams and used the HipBone Glass Bead Game to explore them.

Over the (NZ) summer of 2000 I facilitated a dream group as well. The description of these groups is online.

Online Group Hosting and Facilitation
In 2000 and 2002 I worked professionally with Dan Randow of GroupSense. I designed and hosted several online educational forums.

Document Development Management
In 2001 I successfully completed a course in Document Development Management at the Christchurch Polytech.

Creative Development

2006-2007 - Thousand Sketches a fine art project.


Fax +643 377 1207
Answer phone +643 377 1206

Walter Logeman
PO Box 13543.
New Zealand

CV Last updated: Sunday, 16 November, 2008