Psybernet Motif - click for more
Walter Logeman

About the Psybernet Motif


a rich circle crafted by the human hand

It is inspired by a tapestry on a fire screen (around the end of the 19 th century) which was in turn inspired by William Morris.

It was the motif for Psybernet Bulletin Board which operated from April 1993 until about 1995.

This image appeals to me and is an inspiration and symbol for the sort of work I do, on and off line. I see fertility, solidity and the organic nature of the tree contained in a rich circle crafted by the human hand. The motif has colour, fine detail and a sense of completion. You will see, I am sure, more ways that the image symbolises all types of work with the soul.


Created 1994, Last updated: Saturday, 12 December, 2009