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The Greek God
Who was Hermes? The great 19th century German mythographer, W.H.Roscher, identified Hermes as the wind, subsuming under this basic identity all of his other roles and attributes - Hermes as servant and messenger of the sky god Zeus, Hermes as swift and winged, Hermes as thief and bandit, Hermes as inventor of the pipes and lyre, Hermes as guide of souls and as god of dreams and sleep, Hermes as promoter of fertility among plants and animals and as patron of health, Hermes as god of good fortune, Hermes as patron of traffic and business activities on water and land. Ingeniously, Roscher tied all of these functions to the primitive perception of a wind god. Hermes is like the wind. We can hear Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" as a moving hymn to this god:O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing...
To have any sense of the depths of the psyche is to grasp how little one knows about oneself. To feel this one must have glimpsed the depths. Archetypal psychology, following Carl Jung, begins with the Socratic grasp of one’s ignorance, not just as an intellectual admission, but as truly standing in awe before the unfathomable caverns of the soul.
Dear reader, do not surf on by. Linger a while! As in life, sometimes it is good to pause where one has landed.
Stanley, one of the first people to participate in the Psybernet projects... here on the web!
A preface here and link to where the book can be bought, Amazon seem to be sold out. Here us the amazon blurb:
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
C.G. Jung's psychology was based on an authentic notion of soul, but this notion was only intuitive, implicit, not conceptually worked out. His followers forfeit his heritage, often turning psychology either into pop psychology or into a scientific, clinical enterprise. It is the merit of James Hillman's archetypal psychology to have brought back the question of soul to psychology. But as 'imaginal' psychology it cannot truly overcome psychology's positivistic, personalistic bias that it set out to overcome. Its "Gods" can be shown to be virtual-reality type gods because it avoids the question of Truth. Through what logically is the movement of an "absolute-negative interiorization", alchemically a "fermenting corruption", and mythologically a Dionysian dismemberment, one has to go beyond the imaginal to a notion of soul as logical life, logical movement. Only then can psychology be freed from its positivism and cease being a subdivision of anthropology, and can the notion of soul be logically released from its attachment to the notion of the human being.
Welcome... What is now known as the school of 'archetypal psychology' was founded by James Hillman with a number of other Jungians in Zurich in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The school arose in reaction against what they regarded as unnecessarily metaphysical assumptions in Jung and the complacent, rote application of Jungian tenets. Hillman prefers to regard archetypal psychology not as a 'school' but as a 'direction' or an 'approach'.
Archetypal psychology is a post-Jungian psychology, a critical elaboration of Jungian theory and practice after Jung.
I could not get into Spring Publications site the other day, finished up ordering an old copy of Spring here - 53 the reality issue. It was here within about 10 days. Service was good!
Spring Journal, begun in 1941 by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York, is the oldest Jungian journal. Twice a year we bring you writings from the likes of James Hillman, Ginette Paris, David L. Miller, Sonu Shamdasani, Charles Boer, Nor Hall, Michael Vannoy Adams, Jay Livernois, and many more of the hottest writers in the field. It is edited by Charles Boer and Jay Livernois.
This is an interesting development on the net, one i think is the beggining of something happening that has been trying to happen for a long time. The business model here seems to be able to support free education with professional teachers!
This is a course run by Powered on Talk city! Fascinating.
The power of a community environment will eventually replace e-mail as the dominant mode of group communication. In some form, community communication serves a critical function for almost every business, and most major business will make significant investments in community capabilities in Internet, Extranet, and Intranet settings in the next two years.This is an incredible statement - but true! Thanks to Dan Randow for the reference.
The new economy is very active in France at the moment. There are many communities developing around the Internet. LinkUAll provides technology for the Net industry: calendars, address books, group messaging, file storage. The important thing is to provide a common platform for the tools so people have a unified set of collaboration tools that can be used separately or together - but organized in terms of activities. If you link people around activities, you can identify who has the right to see what."Many more gems like this here.
If you want to change a corporation, you need to change the conversations happening within it. That was the recommendation from John Seely Brown in his address to Real Time participants.
In a good conversation, the whole is more important than the parts, Brown said. A focused conversation is a self-scaffolding structure that has a dynamic aspect to it . Therefore, if you change the conversations of a corporation, you change the corporation.
"All learning starts with focused conversations," Brown says. "The only kind of learning you want to think about is collaborative learning. But how do you structure conversations to become self-scaffolding conversations?"Expertise lies as much in the social mind as in the individual mind, Brown said. Knowledge is distributed across people and across artifacts. So the ability to interpret each other -- read what is really happening -- is tacit knowledge possessed by the group as a whole. That knowledge is brought together when groups share tasks over a substantial period of time, he said.
This ofcourse is from the author of The
Social Life of Information interesting to discover that he wrote that key article (see below) in the first issue of The Fast Company back in 1995.
In 1997, the Ottawa Organizational Effectiveness Interest Group (OEIG) Book Study Group discussed the article, "The People are the Company" from Fast Company - Handbook of the Revolution. "Communities of Practice" are a central theme in the article. We've created a permanent reference for OEIG with the article and some other sources of related information for anyone interested in the subject.
Communities of Practice - References
Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System
CoPs eGroup - Discussion forum - Drafts, working papers, links, and other goodies are shared here.
Collective learning and collective memory
What Should Collaborative Technology Be? A Perspective From Dewey and Situated Learning
Metro Insight: Softwork
More Communities of Practices Links
A new organizational form is emerging in companies that run on knowledge: the community of practice. And for this expanding universe of companies, communities of practice promise to radically galvanize knowledge sharing, learning, and change.A community of practice is a group of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise. People in companies form them for a variety of reasons -- to maintain connections with peers when the company reorganizes; to respond to external changes such as the rise of e-commerce; or to meet new challenges when the company changes strategy.
Regardless of the circumstances that give rise to communities of practice, their members inevitably share knowledge in free-flowing, creative ways that foster new approaches to problems. Over the past five years, the authors have seen communities of practice improve performance at companies as diverse as an international bank, a major car manufacturer, and a U.S. government agency. Communities of practice can drive strategy, generate new lines of business, solve problems, promote the spread of best practices, develop people's skills, and help companies recruit and retain talent.
The paradox of such communities is that although they are self-organizing and thus resistant to supervision ..."
by David Stamps
associate editor of TRAINING Magazine.
Copyright © 1999 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Learning is social. Training is irrelevant?
As the end of a century draws near, the air is sure to thicken with prophecies about the future, including the future of work. The "knowledge worker" will be a favorite topic of management soothsaying; so will "the learning organization."
But for a clear vision of how learning should happen in a business setting, you need only talk to Dede Miller, a customer service representative for Xerox Corp. For two years she was treated to a tantalizing glimpse of the future. Today she finds herself wishing she could go back to it.
To know her story is to understand just how wide a gap still separates learning theory and common training practice - and how hard it will be to apply new approaches to workplace training, even those that make incontestable sense.
URL:s These are the ones that are most interesting in my opinion. More can be found by exploring the collections of links within these sites. These links are not in order of my preference. I drew the line at twenty links, since I think any sane person will find this is enough to read.
ABSTRACTThe role of the professor is changing dramatically. Lectures endure despite the fact that they were outmoded as soon as books became readily available to students. This is a case study in the transformation of one traditional professor into a virtual professor. On one level this is only one person’s story. On another level it is a sign of the times. Jorge Klor de Alva’s choice to leave one of the most prestigious universities in the country for the University of Phoenix is a signal event. Traditional academia will change, and it is the quiet transformation of traditional professors into virtual professors that tells the true story behind this revolution.
Tutors-Online offers you a number of online courses, with more being added regularly. Visit our current course listing, find out about our featured courses or enrol in a course. If you've never tried online learning before, why not take our demonstration course now - it will only take 5 minutes!Does your institution or corporation have courses and training material you would like to make available on the Internet or your Intranet? Take our Course in On-Line Teaching, or let us do everything for you.
Welcome to the UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology.Module 1 provides resources for use in the selection of appropriate media to accomplish specific learning objectives.
Module 2 provides resources for faculty using technology in research assignments, small group projects, and discussions to encourage activity.
Welcome to the web's number one resource for information on distance learning, provided by John Bear, Ph.D., author of the long-time best-selling Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees Nontraditionally.Distance learning is a booming field: More and more schools are making it possible for people to get the degree they want or need without ever setting foot on a college campus. It can also be a baffling field, fraught with misinformation, false expectations, complexities such as accreditation, and outright dangers such as diploma mills. is here to help make distance learning less baffling and more booming. We're here to demystify accreditation, identify diploma mills, report on the latest developments in the industry, and, most importantly, help distance learners and good distance learning schools to find each other.
Would you like to know more about online teaching and learning?
Are you interested in teaching a class via the Web or turning your existing class into an online course? If you answered yes to these questions, the Distance Learning Resource Network’s "Designing Instruction for Web-Based Distance Learning" is for you. This guide will help you design a course or materials for the Web or convert an existing course into an online course.These scenarios raise many issues and questions that we hope this guide and its activities will address. One of the main issues distance education instructors face is how the impact of teaching a course on the Internet changes the interaction between student and teacher, as well as between student and student. We hope that completion of this course will lead to satisfying, new teaching experiences for you and success in creating a dynamic, interactive Web-based learning experience.
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