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Wednesday, November 29, 2000
Reciprocality 0: The Programmers' Stone
[9:14 PM | wl |
Tuesday, November 28, 2000
Look at this lot, a years worth of full time reading.
[12:31 AM | wl |
Monday, November 27, 2000
Walter Logeman - ASD Dream Time - Dreaming in Cyberspace A description of an online group approach to dream work that can give deep insight into the unconscious. Use of the Internet can add a dimension to dream work that was not possible without it. The Internet presents us with features that enhance and reveal the psychological depth of the work. The DreamEvents are private and confidential so publicly available and generalised material are used in this article.
This is a reference to an article I wrote earlier this year. I needed ready access to the link!
[12:51 PM | wl |
Sunday, November 26, 2000
Medieval Theories of Analogy Medieval theories of analogy were a response to problems in three areas: logic, theology, and metaphysics. Logicians were concerned with the use of words having more than one sense, whether completely different, or related in some way. Theologians were concerned with language about God.
An amazing entry in an amazing encyclopedia.
[9:12 PM | wl |
Friday, November 24, 2000
Organik home
Welcome to Organik - your e-community system for questions and answers !
Ask a question now !
Enter any question you like and get real answers !
It did not do a great job on my question, but it could do as this grows!
[9:35 PM | wl |
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
DiscusWare, LLC -- Specializing in WWW discussion board software DiscusWare, LLC specializes in the development and implementation of WWW discussion board software. A discussion forum adds interactivity to your site, whether you use it to support your products, build on-line communities, teach classes, or give your visitors a place to express their opinions
With all my rummaging around I had not come across this software! Looks OK.
[6:50 PM | wl |
The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor George Lakoff (c) Copyright George Lakoff, 1992 To Appear in Ortony, Andrew (ed.) Metaphor and Thought (2nd edition), Cambridge University Press.
Do not go gentle into that good night. -Dylan Thomas
Death is the mother of beauty . . . -Wallace Stevens, Sunday Morning
These famous lines by Thomas and Stevens are examples of what classical theorists, at least since Aristotle, have referred to as metaphor: instances of novel poetic language in which words like mother, go, and night are not used in their normal everyday senses. In classical theories of language, metaphor was seen as a matter of language not thought. Metaphorical expressions were assumed to be mutually exclusive with the realm of ordinary everyday language: everyday language had no metaphor, and metaphor used mechanisms outside the realm of everyday conventional language. The classical theory was taken so much for granted over the centuries that many people didn't realize that it was just a theory. The theory was not merely taken to be true, but came to be taken as definitional. The word metaphor was defined as a novel or poetic linguistic expression where one or more words for a concept are used outside of its normal conventional meaning to express a similar concept. But such issues are not matters for definitions; they are empirical questions. As a cognitive scientist and a linguist,
[6:25 PM | wl |
International Society for Mental Health OnlineThe International Society for Mental Health Online (ISMHO) was formed in 1997 to promote the understanding, use and development of online communication, information and technology for the international mental health community. ISMHO is a nonprofit corporation.
[11:22 AM | wl |
eGroups : ismho-generalThe International Society of Mental Health Online general, nonmember mailing list is for the general discussion of issues relating to the Society. Please see our Website for more information about the Society: www.ismho.org. This is list is open to all interested individuals who want to learn more or participate in advocating how the online world can help promote mental health issues and services.
[11:19 AM | wl |
Saturday, November 18, 2000
New Scientist: The end of history

Chaos and disaster seem unpredictable. Not for much longer, says Per Bak, a revolution is under way
by Mark Buchanan, Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Intriguing review, with something of a scientific slant on patterns we might see as psychological or synchronistic. Here are a couple o paragraphs:
The concept of "ubiquity" expresses the view that details are not important in deciding the outcome. In 1998, Don Turcotte and Bruce Malamud from Cornell University studied the distribution of forest fires in Australia and the US. They found that the distribution could be understood from a simple "toy model" developed in 1992 by Barbara Drossel and Franz Schwabl. This implies that the forests are in the self-organised critical state.
In 1996, Roy Anderson and Chris Rhodes of the University of Oxford took the same model and plugged in people in place of trees and measles in place of fires. The result explained the distribution of measles epidemics on the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic. "If this does not bring home the point [of ubiquity], perhaps nothing will," Buchanan concludes: "The ubiquity of the critical state may well be considered the first really solid discovery of complexity theory."
I must admit now that I am not your usual unbiased, emotionally detached book reviewer. I was heavily involved with the discovery in 1987.
[12:04 PM | wl |
Thursday, November 16, 2000
Dream AppreciationDream Appreciation Newsletter is published quarterly for people interested in working with dreams and the group process developed by Dr. Montague Ullman.
[3:14 PM | wl |
Monday, November 13, 2000
An Overview of Online Learning: Preface
About this Overview
This Overview introduces you to online learning, and provides you with an overview of the key issues you need to consider when working with online learning. Specifically, this Overview:
Describes what online learning is and identifies its major uses
Identifies the four major types of online learning
Provides an overview of the technology needed to make online learning happen.
Lists the project issues--that is, management and learning issues--that need to be addressed when developing materials for online learning
[12:38 PM | wl |
Sunday, November 12, 2000
Preview of an e-learning bookBeware of too much technology
Everything in moderation, nothing in excess—the ancient Greeks taught us. E-learning is one of those areas where we might get excessive. An example of excessive use of the technology is seen in some courses where participants need to spend hours downloading files or reading documents online. In some courses students waste time working in groups. In other courses students are expected to read long documents on a computer monitor. It would be better to send them paper versions of the documents. Placing huge documents on CD-ROM, or DVD sounds like a great idea, but who reads them? Video conferencing appeals to the techie in us, but is it more effective than video tapes or even audio tapes? Is video conferencing worth the additional cost and the effort? You can get too much of a good thing. E-learning does not need to be 100% pure. It may be appropriate to combine leader-led courses, paper-based documents, video tapes and audio tapes with e-learning instructional materials.
One of the dangers of online learning is that we will try to do too much with new technology. We need to guard against replacing existing, valid approaches with new, less-effective ones.
[10:07 PM | wl |
E-Business Network - E-Learning Report"E-Learning Report is a monthly series examining the internet's influence on learning and education. We meet with leaders and analysts to get the inside scoop on innovative e-learning strategies, the future of this emerging medium., and how the web is changing the way businesses approach instruction."
[3:21 PM | wl |
"Daily Links to Corporate Learning, Community Building, Instructional Design, Knowledge Management, Personalization and more"
This is a great blog - have added permanent link on the left.
[3:11 PM | wl |
2000:November:Feature:MicromediaTwo recent developments are of special interest. Blogger (www.blogger.com), perhaps the premiere weblog developer, has teamed up with Moreover.com to facilitate the linking and annotation of mainstream news articles. Called NewsBlogger (www.newsblogger.com), it’s a potent form of online journalism that will serve to define and delimit new market segments. Also, Cisco just implemented Blogger enterprise-wide. Imagine the avalanche of intellectual capital such a move could precipitate. The Internet has always demanded that business read between the lines. Weblogs raise the bar. Now the challenge is to read between the sites.
Christopher Locke is the co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, a New York Times bestseller. Check out the weblogs of his creation at personalization.com (www.personalization.com/blogger) and The EGR weblog (rated R at best) (www.rageboy.com/blogger.html).
[3:07 PM | wl |
A collection of links and commentary to the growing literature on distance learning. Started by DenhamGrey 08/15/1999.
[2:35 PM | wl |
Slashdot | Is The Virtual Community A Myth?Berkeley scholar Joseph Lockard (a doctoral candidate in English Literature) claims the idea of the virtual community is a Ponzi scheme, promoted by benighted utopians and elitists who equate access to the Net and the Web with social and democratic enlightenment. This myth has been virtually unchallenged for years, he says, and in a provocative and interesting essay called Progressive Politics, Electronic Individualism, and the Myth of Virtual Community, Lockard claims that it's nothing more than a bunch of hooey.
This item is posted by Jon Katz and his commentary concludes:
Online people do make powerful connections and the virtual realm does permit us to share information (including software), research and commerce and and encounter all sorts of people in all kinds of places -- something that has never been possible before. But when the dust settles, and if the history of technology offers any clues, people will always hang out with their friends, get drunk. They'll still be logging off their computers to have sex, get married, fight with their parents, send their kids off to school and go to the movies, and seek out the company of human beings to meet human needs. The best virtual communities have always complimented that need, not supplanted it.
[12:34 PM | wl |
Saturday, November 04, 2000
Writing, Play and Performance on Internet Relay Chat
Digital writing is strikingly playful. This playfulness flourishes particularly in synchronous chat modes on the Internet. This paper is a study of writing, play and performance on IRC (Internet Relay Chat). We analyze a "virtual party" on IRC, whose highlight was a typed simulation of smoking marihuana. Three interrelated, yet analytically distinct types of play are discussed: 1) play with identity; 2) play with frames of interaction; and 3) play with typographic symbols. We adopt a qualitative, textual, and micro-sociolinguistic approach, drawing on work in discourse analysis, the study of orality and literacy, and the anthropology of play and performance. In all play there is reduced accountability for action. In the material world, masks and costumes at carnival time liberate participants; here, the ephemeral, non-material medium, the typed text, and the use of nicknames provide the mask. Although the improvisation analyzed here is typed and occurs between geographically dispersed strangers, it has fascinating affinities with "live" interactional forms such as jazz, charades, and carnivals.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is strikingly playful. Millions of people are playing with their computer keyboards in ways they probably never anticipated, even performing feats of virtuosity with such humble materials as commas, colons, and backslashes. Not only hackers, computer "addicts," adolescents and children, but even2
[6:43 PM | wl |
Books of the Month -- IndexNovember 2000
Gordon Graham, the internet:// a philosophical inquiry. Routledge, 1999. Reviewed by Merav Katz.
Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe, editors, Global Literacies and the World Wide Web. Routledge, 1999. Reviewed by Virginia Montecino.
Victor J. Vitanza, editor, CyberReader 2/e. Allyn and Bacon, 1999. Reviewed by Joe Wilferth.
[11:35 AM | wl |
Wednesday, November 01, 2000
Salon.com Audio | First citizen
Listen to Howard Rheingold read from "The Virtual Community." MIT Press will publish a revised edition of the book in November 2000
[11:56 PM | wl |
The Complete Works of William ShakespeareWelcome to the Web's first edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. This site has offered Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the Internet community since 1993.
Announcement: This Web site has been unavailable for a few weeks because of a catastrophic failure of the computer that houses it. The site, including search engine and discussion area, is being restored this week (Oct. 16, 2000).
I am glad this is back up, I missed it the other day when i wanted to check out
Titus after seeing the movie (shocking). The best WS site I have found.
Shakespeare, especially the commedies are
[10:28 PM | wl |
[10:04 PM | wl |
Centered Systems - HomeSecond Copy 2000 is the perfect backup product designed for Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000 you have been looking for. It makes a Second Copy of your data files to another directory, disk or computer across the network. It then monitors the source files and keeps the Second Copy updated with new or changed files. It runs in the background with no user interaction. So, once it is setup you always have a Second Copy of your data some where else.
Thre is not much I buy in the way of share ware... but this one is elegant. Back-up seems to have been a hassle till I had this program.
[9:32 PM | wl |
Impression Formation in Cyberspace: Online Expectations and Offline Experiences in Text-based Virtual CommunitiesIntroduction
It is not uncommon for people who meet in the text-based environments of cyberspace--asynchronous news groups and bulletin boards and synchronous chat rooms and virtual communities--to be mistaken, and sometimes wildly so, when they imagine one another's offline appearances. For example, in an article about online dating (A. Hamilton 1999), one man complains "It's draining when you realize how different people are from what they project online," and another story (J. Hamilton 1999) about the mainstreaming of online romances describes a pathway to disappointment: "The correspondents finally meet, but the chemistry crashes like a warped hard drive. Her extra five pounds is actually 50. His definition of a full head of hair proves to be a bit thin." The discrepancy between image and reality is also captured in cartoons. One depicts a sophisticated, thirty-something woman, sitting at a table for two in an upscale restaurant, saying "I loved your E-mail, but I thought you'd be older." Her dinner companion is a little boy (Weber 1998).
[12:24 PM | wl |
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