Psybernet> Walter Logeman > Sex and the Internet
Sex & the Internet
Outline for a talk to the NZ Veneriological Society
"Opening Windows" Conference 22 October 1999
Sex & the Internet
Introduction - about me. Online and in private practice. About the net. Moors law. "John Roth, chief of Nortel Networks, said a just-released study sponsored by his company forecast ``an explosion of bandwith in Western Europe -- with Internet users rising from 38 million today to 150 million by 2005.'' more1999 Katherine Mansfield Award winner - Rhonda Bartle Greenwich Mean Time
Theme: Internet experiences, good or bad, matter!
Online sex, romance, marriage, affairs, rape.Part of the persons life history Shame associated with Internet use -- the bad press When you have an STD, where do you go? -- to the Net.? Sex not as safe as it might seem
Cyberspace Romances A short article, interview.
Online Chat transcript This is an online gathering chared by John Suler in July 1999 of professionals and a group of people who have been involved in online romance.
16:40:23 julia i go to the therapist, and i am escaping from going because i guess she is not familiar with this, so to whom can i speak on line? Progression: chat => email => phone => f2f ?
A Rape in Cyberspace - "two women were brutally raped in their living room" Gender Swapping - John Suler - Amy S Brukman
ON INTERNET RELAY CHAT Elizabeth M. Reid Honours Thesis 1991
<Barf> I did find it mildly irritating that I should get so much
attention and be immediately fixated as a sex object simply by
pretending to be female
<Marion> to be honest, I didn't like being male becuaseI missed
the flattery that women tend to get
The power of the Net - the blackhole, projection.A review of the book by Deb Levine, 35, has just written The Joy of Cybersex, A Guide For Creative Lovers, as proof positive of the potential good of the Internet for promoting healthy sexuality.
"Levine says that to "cyber' is to have online sex, or cybersex,
with another person. Levine explains: "Cybersex in its purest
form, is when you go into a private chat room. There, people take
turns describing to each other what they would do to each other,
what they would like to do to each other, and how it makes them
Interesting page about not getting a response to an email. The void is a mirror, the net is a mirror. Projection.
Created 16 October 1999, Last updated Friday, 22 October 1999