Psybernet > Writing > Herbert Marshall McLuhan

Herbert Marshall McLuhan

Tom Wolfe described the book by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore "War and Peace in the Global Village (originally published 1968!) as "The psychological impact of technical innovation . . ." Marshall McLuhan was a visionary, but more importantly he had a psychological method. His work it is right on the Psybernet track.

McLuhan Links

Media and Communications Study site

A list of McLuhan related papers.

One of the best from the above link is: Now, McLuhan is the Message Marshalling Together A Multimedia Review by Mick Doherty, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute What this does is summarise McLuhan on the web in 77.

Marshall McLuhan Probes

This takes you to the McLuhan Probes ( a magazine with lots of expensive graphics ) and you can link to other pages from there, though not that many! Hence I also found the URL below, which is useful.

CYBERMEDIA An Introduction By Mindy McAdams

The first line has a link to her words on McLuhan. You can also get to her home page from here with good material on publishing in this medium.

I have been listening to Riding Range with Marshall McLuhan by Terence McKenna Recorded at a seminar at the Esalen Institute. can be purchased.

The Marshall McLuhan Centre on Global Communications

The McLuhan interview in Playboy

McLuhanisms pithy quotes from 'the master'.

About Marshall McLuhan by the University of Toronto

Daniel Chandler's links on McLuhan

McLuhan Discussions

The welcome message from the Mcluhan mailing list

A comprehensive message giving directions of how to sub to the list as well as three short probes -- interesting. This document is from 1995 -- I am not sure if it still works.

McLuhan Quotes

"We now know too much to be strangers to each other. For example in the age of information explosion, all walls go out between age groups, between family groups, national groups, between economies. The walls all go out. People suddenly have to adjust themselves to this new proximity, this new interrelationship, and merely to tell them this has happened isn't very helpful. What they need to know is, if it is happening, what does it mean to me?"

Originally:"McLuhan on McLuhanism." WNDT Educational board Broadcasting Network. 1966.

Quoted in: Forward Through the Rear View Mirror Edited P. Benedetti and N. De Hart. 1997 p. 40

Comment to Walter Logeman

Created 1995, Last Updated: Sunday, 26 January 2003