Psychotherapy Online
Email as the writing tool!
Why is only email mentioned as the way I do psychotherapy online? Why not chat or phone or Skype?
I understand why you might ask! There are plenty of communication alternatives.
There are good reasons for doing all the psychotherapy online with me in email.
The power of the word. I work well with the written word. I like email. You may too! Or not, if you don't like email and writing this may not be for you. Or by doing psychotherapy online in email you might learn to love it!
Boundaries. Therapy works because it is contained. There is confidentiality, there is a fee, and in face-to-face there are appointments and a room. To stick to one format when working online creates a strong structure.
Time. Live chatting or skype means making appointments. I think this destroys one of the great advantages of working together online - we do it in our own time.
Email might not suit everyone, but writing, journaling, the quiet and the flexibility of time may make it appealing to you. It does to me.
Oh, I will discuss art or photos you email me, so it is not not all words!
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